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Andrea Guertin

Pre-Conference Panelist

Design Thinkers Answer Your Most Pressing Questions

About Andrea

Currently, I am a senior leadership team member at Bridgeable, a service design consultancy that uses human-centered design tools and tactics to transform healthcare.

My award-winning career has been fuelled by a passion for strategy and design. After earning my Masters in Social Design, I’ve had a range of career experiences including community psychology research, brand strategy, and teaching– all of which contribute to a sophisticated understanding of the relationship between human-centered experience and design. My work in social design focused on translating the design process behind successful urban development projects into practical steps for aspiring urban space activists. Through this research, I was able to partner with the City of Baltimore and Johns Hopkins University in a number of social design projects that sought to distill the complex process of making urban space a viable conduit of both communities and built space.

I use my creativity and a structure of systems analysis, design thinking, and attention to human dynamics to guide teams towards their own innovation breakthroughs.

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