4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Design Thinkers Answer Your Most Pressing Questions
Supported by our graphic facilitator, we will kick off the conference by discussing challenges with real-world applications of design thinking, scaling up, and other nuances that emerge between theory and application.
Practicing Just Transformation: Building Equity Design Into Pedagogy
Dr. Pierce Otlhogile-Gordon is an innovation catalyst, researcher, facilitator, and evaluator, impassioned by the space between transformation and liberation. Dr. Otlhogile-Gordon serves as a shepherd for Equity Innovation to shape our collective future.
Trust in Design: Why Relationships Matter for Impact
Jaspal teaches courses bridging public health, engineering, and business at UC Berkeley, where he served as the Fung Fellowship’s faculty lead from 2016-2021 and created the first-ever human-centered design course in a school of public health.
Challenges, Pitfalls, and Possibilities! Learning through Co-Creation: Shifting Healthcare Culture toward Partnership with Family Caregivers using a Design-Thinking Approach.
Decoloniality in Design: From “Human” to “Humility-centered” frameworks
Maryam is currently a Senior Fellow at Social Innovation Canada supporting their Financialization of Housing Lab, a Senior Consultant at the Center for Social Innovation, an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Foresight Canada, and pursuing a Doctoral degree in Sustainability Management at the University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Environment.